Prayer wall

Welcome to FBC Lindale's Prayer Wall.  This is a new resource to help our church family and community share requests and pray for one another.  Here, you can share a request publicly, anonymously, or with our church staff only.  You can also encourage each other by indicating that you've prayed for a specific request.

In a family of faith, no one prays alone. 

"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  - Philippians 4:6-7 CSB


Please pray for an immediate and absolute end to abortion in Boston and in the state of Massachusetts. Every time I walk by the main branch here in Boston it is like walking by the house of a mass murderer of God's Own Little Innocents. Bring it down!  Burn it to the ground spiritually with prayer! The Almighty will shine his grace on this state - maybe yours too - and you Holy Prayer Warriors will be blessed as well. All this in the Name of Our Savior Jesus Christ.


Keep me in heavy prayer Anthony Roberts prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life)


Please keep Connie Broome and the family in your prayers during the passing of Steve.


Please keep my nephew Barry Peppers, Ken and Josh in your prayers they have been on a mission try and will be leaving Kenya tonight about Midnight to fly to Nairobi. They had some protesters there the other day and 9 people was killed. They will fly out from there Thursday. I am praying that God will put a hedge of protection around them . Our God is in control and he already knows how everything will work out. I pray for them to feel God's comforting arms around them. To God be the glory.

Request a prayer

Please use the form below to add your prayer request to our Prayer Wall.  All requests will be approved before they appear on the wall, so please be patient if you don't see your request posted immediately.  Prayer requests will remain posted on the Prayer Wall for 30 days before being removed.  After your request is removed, you can always resubmit your request for another 30 days of prayer. There's no limit to how many times you may resubmit a request.