Prayer wall

Welcome to FBC Lindale's Prayer Wall.  This is a new resource to help our church family and community share requests and pray for one another.  Here, you can share a request publicly, anonymously, or with our church staff only.  You can also encourage each other by indicating that you've prayed for a specific request.

In a family of faith, no one prays alone. 

"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  - Philippians 4:6-7 CSB


Please continue to pray for Melissa Freeman who is continuing with chemo infusions. She will have repeat scans on March 4th to see if the infusions are being affective.


Terry McFry - Please keep him in your prayers. He had another TIA which has affected his speech. He is now unable to get out a full sentence.


Please pray for my 1st cousin's husband, Jerry Pope. He has a melanoma brain tumors that has aggressively matastasized. He has elected to get meds to target the tumors that are now in his lungs and spleen. Please pray for family peace and God's will.


Update - I had an epidural on February 10th. I have a possible bulging or blown disc in my back. I will be having an MRI and wait for results to know options. Pray for relief from the pain.


Update - Kim's gallbladder surgery was successful and she is recovering at home. Please continue to pray for her pain to subside and for her to recover well.

Request a prayer

Please use the form below to add your prayer request to our Prayer Wall.  All requests will be approved before they appear on the wall, so please be patient if you don't see your request posted immediately.  Prayer requests will remain posted on the Prayer Wall for 30 days before being removed.  After your request is removed, you can always resubmit your request for another 30 days of prayer. There's no limit to how many times you may resubmit a request.