Mighty Mites Preschool Sports

2025 Teeball Sign Up

For more details please call our

Office at 706-232-7088

Mighty Mites is our preschool sports ministry established over 30 years ago by the programs creator, Mr. Tony Hyder.  Both our T-Ball and Basketball programs are for preschoolers ages 3-5. Each season consists of a 5-week schedule of Saturday morning games. The focus of the program is to provide recreation, introduction to basic skills, and to create an environment where children can begin to experience cooperation and teamwork. We have student & adult volunteer "coaches" who assist and lead the kids as they play.  It's a great introduction to these sports that will help parents evaluate interest and skill levels in their children for the future.  

Mighty Mites T-Ball

Mighty Mites T-Ball is for preschoolers ages 3-5. Our season consists of a 5-week schedule (April & May) of Saturday morning games. There are no practices, only game days. During our t-ball season, the kids become familiar with very basic principles of baseball such as batting, base running, and fielding. Every child gets the opportunity to bat and run the bases.  We don't keep score. We just play and have fun! We have adult volunteer coaches who assist and lead the kids as they play.  We also encourage parents to play in the field with their kids and are also welcome to assist them when they are at bat.  We usually have time to play the equivalent of 3-4 innings of play.

At the end of each game time, the kids share in a devotion together and also enjoy a snack with their team.

The cost per child is $35. This fee provides each child with a t-shirt, snacks after each game, a trophy, and a family celebration, a cupcake party, on the last Saturday of the season. 

Mighty Mites Basketball

Mighty Mites Basketball is for preschoolers ages 3-5. Our season consists of a 5-week schedule of Saturday morning games. There are no practices, only game days.  During our basketball season, the kids become familiar with very basic principles of basketball such as team playing, running a full court, and shooting.  Kids within each team will take turns shooting on each possession and are given multiple chances to make a basket.  We don't keep score.  We just play and have fun!  We have high school & adult volunteer coaches who assist and lead the kids as they play.

We begin our fun each week by introducing each player by name with arena music.   Each team plays 2 uninterrupted periods of about 15 minutes each.  In between those periods, the kids share a Halftime Devotion together and also enjoy a snack with their team. 

The cost per child is $35. This fee provides each child with a t-shirt, snacks after each game, a trophy, and a family celebration, usually a pizza party, on the last Saturday of the season. 

Mighty MITEs SOccer

Mighty Mites Soccer started in 2019... the first season was amazing and we are looking forward to many more to come. 

Mighty Mites Soccer is for preschoolers ages 3-5. This season consist of 5 week Mid-September through October of Saturday Morning Games. There are no practices, only game days. We won't keep score, but we make sure all the kids are having fun and participating. There are volunteer coaches who assist and lead the kids as they play. If you are interested in coaching just ask Ashton, the Mighty Mites coordinator. 

The cost per child for soccer is $35. This fee provides each child with t-shirt, snacks after each game, and the end of season party and award celebration.