This safe and flexible option is an easy way to give at FBC Lindale! This method allows you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged directly to your checking account. Here you can easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied. As always, you are free to give your tithes/offerings during our worship services on Sundays.
Questions about online giving?
For your convenience, we have tried to answer the most Frequently Asked Questions about giving online.
Q: How can funds be withdrawn directly from my account?
A: Only with your authorization.
Nobody can deduct money from your account electronically unless you specifically authorize it.
Q: Are electronic contributions risky?
A: No. An electronic contribution is safer than writing a check, and it can't be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. To sign up for eGive you are only giving information that is already printed on your check. National laws, rules, and guidelines govern all Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) transactions. Over four billion EFT transactions are processed annually in the United States. When you follow our link to the eGive website, you will notice the address returns the https URL indicating the site is secure.
Q: When would this automatic contribution be taken from my account?
A: On the eGive online secure giving form or on the paper giving form, you can specify whether you want your contribution made one-time, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or as designated. When the date you have selected falls on a weekend or holiday, the transaction will occur on the next business day.
Q: Can I test this by giving one time?
A: Yes.
You may test online giving by selecting "One-Time Gift" in the Giving Amount and Date section of the sign up process.
Q: If I don't write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?
A: Our contribution is made on a pre-established day, so you can deduct it from your check record then and you will receive a general Email reminder thanking you for giving to FBC Lindale each time your giving is posted.
Q: Why can't I give by credit card?
A: We chose to set up eGiving through electronic funds transfer rather than credit card for two primary reasons: With electronic transfer, your entire gift goes to the church. When using a credit card, as much as 3% of your gift would go to the credit card company. Although many pay off their credit cards each month, many also do not. We do not want to potentially put someone in the place of going in debt and paying credit interest on gifts given to the church.
Q: How can I keep a record of the amount I have contributed?
A: Your bank statement will include an itemized list of automatic gifts given from your account. We will continue to provide you with a personal giving statement for your tax records.
Q: What if I change banks or accounts or want to change the amount of my contribution?
A: You can change your giving choices at any time, 24 hours a day/7 days a week, through the eGive web site.
Q: How do I participate in the weekly offering if my contribution is automatically deducted from my bank account?
A: In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul wrote a commendation to the church at Macedonia that they first gave themselves to the Lord and then gave their offerings. The time of offering is a vital part of worship. If you choose to give online, we encourage you to use the time of offering to thank God for his glorious gifts and pledge to give yourself to Him.
Q: Is there any charge to me from my bank to give online?
A: No. Electronic funds transfers carry no bank fees and this service is free.
Q: Can I designate my giving online?
A: Yes, you can designate between General Fund/Budget, Building Fund, and other offerings you can write in yourself. There will be a drop-down menu of church approved giving options, but you can designate your gift as you wish. Please be aware that IRS rules may impact excessive designated giving to items not specifically approved by the church as this has the potential for abuse. The church will report your gifts on your annual giving report as you gave them, but you must determine any tax consequences.
Q: Who do I talk to if I have more questions?
A: For more information, feel free to email our eGive Administrator, Larry Moore.